Deepest Scars – Strongest Hearts Gets a Cover Update

Some time back I looked at my Deepest Scars cover and thought, wow, that really makes this book look heavy and sad. And although the book does have a “big” issue that Liz and Zack are challenged to overcome, it also has tons of fun moments like camping trips and line dancing, driving to the top of a mountain to look at the stars, and taking a gondola ride in a sparkly light filled garden. So I wanted a bit of an update to reflect the essence of the story.
Eureka! Scrolling through Dark Unicorn Designs (by Bridgette O’Hare, FYI), I came across this cover and fell in love. I couldn’t stop gawking at how you were drawn to Zack’s face. How it seemed you could read his soul. I loved how Liz felt to be tracking your eye as if to say, can you guess my past?
So, without further ado I’ll share the newly updated cover for Deepest Scars – Strongest Hearts!

A few more deets about Deepest Scars – Strongest Hearts
Find it on Amazon or Goodreads
Her characters are both lovable and true to life. They took me on an emotional roller coaster ride that I wanted to keep going. They really are great together and have such great chemistry that it warmed my heart. I highly recommend this book. – 4* Bobbi W., Goodreads
I really enjoyed this story. The characters were well thought out and getting to see their daily lives was a nice way to let us see them grow not just as a couple but as separate people as well. By the time I was done reading this book Zack and Liz felt like old friends that I’ve known for years and not simply characters in a book. – 4* Katie K., Goodreads
The characters are so lovable and real and I felt a connection with them. Once I started reading I couldn’t put it down. If you like this book than you should also check out the rest of the “Being Me” Series. – 4* Michelle A., Goodreads
Genre: Clean New Adult Romance
Cover Designer: Dark Unicorn Designs
Editor: Tia Silverthorne Bach, Indie Books Gone Wild
Proofreader: Jennifer Oberth, Indie Books Gone Wild
Interior Formatting: Jo Michaels, Indie Books Gone Wild
Publisher: true bird publishing llc
Publication Date: It’s LIVE!
Hosted by: Lady Amber’s Reviews & PR
Happy Reading! Tricia