Top 5 Weirdest Romance Novels

When you go into Goodreads Weird Romances shelf list the top 8 are paranormal/fantasy reads including all four books of the Twilight series, arguably those are weird romances since Bella falls for a literally stone, cold vampire. … Interesting, so, moving beyond those reads I cruised to the Bad Romance shelf on Goodreads, where you find all four books of the Twilight series, again, at the top of the list, followed by City of Bones (Cassandra Clare, okay I get), and Fifty Shades of Grey, Marked (House of Night #1, P.C. Cast), then Romeo & Juliet… what? Okay, I get it, [[spoiler alert]] they both die in the end. Still, scouring the internet, I was able to find a few romance books that fit in the “weird” or “bad” category. Please add to this list by emailing me here with our weird or bad romance reads.
8 Unusual Romance Genres – Amish vampires, Nascar romance, mermaids, gargoyles, cavemen, alien abductions, brewery owner intrigue, paranormal pregnancies. You’ll find all the fringe romance reads with this link.

Ranker. Com Funny Romance Novel Covers – See the cover below and that will explain all. But it gets much crazier! Weirdest Romance Genres – I didn’t find this list all too strange at the top, sports, duh! But doctor-patient forbidden romance is a pretty specific trope.

Dating Advice. Com 10 Weirdest Romance Novels – Aliens, dorks, mermaids, pterodactyls? What?

B&N 7 Deeply Weird Sci-Fi Fantasy Romances – Trending towards the psychosexual, disturbing, and odd.

And for those that like it a bit steamier…’s Steamy Reads You Don’t Want to Miss – Trashy romance novels you should read. They are actually intelligent literary pieces.

I hope you’ll have some fun laughs if nothing else and perhaps you’ll find a genre that makes you think… ‘where were you all this time”. 😊
Happy reading,
P.S. Comment with your weirdest romance novel finds below.