The Next Realm Chronicles YA Fantasy Book Begins
The next Realm Chronicles YA Fantasy book is officially in the works. I’m not divulging the title for fear it will give too much away. But believe me, it’s going to be good. I love goals and on the heels of the second installment’s (To be a Fae Guardian) audiobook release, it felt like a good time to start the next book. Plus, July is Camp NaNoWriMo so it was the perfect way to be inspired. So follow along with me in my journey to create Realm Chronicles Book 3.
A bit of history… The Realm Chronicles series started as a short story I submitted to be published to an anthology. The anthology never got off the ground, but I had a short story about a fae character, named Titania, who struggles with anxiety but manages to save her kingdom from invading kobold beasts nonetheless. This short story, Titania Rises, is free for my newsletter subscribers. Next I added Titania and her fae to the storyline of the final book of the Kingdom Journals, Kingdom of War, when the trinity witches battle Sonia in her castle fortress in Sardinia, Italy.
The first full length novel in the Realm Chronicles series, To be a Fae Queen, expanded on Titania Rises and follows Titania as she navigates treasonous subjects and greater threats from the kobold and some evil spirits of Lower Earth. And the witches of the Kingdom Journals trinity need Titania’s help again in thwarting Sonia and her band of evil accomplices. In the second installment of the Realm Chronicles, we find Titania up against a new threat. Charged with treason, her ability to aid the trinity is curtailed. How can she help the trinity if she’s watched around the clock. Plus, the evil spirits of the deep have found new ways to plague her realm in To be a Fae Guardian.
So what’s next for Titania in the third book of the Realm Chronicles? Sonia and the evil spirits aiding her are still lurking beneath her realm. How will they striker at her next? The monarchies of the Fae Realm follow traditions like forming alliances by marriage. Will Titania marry to shore up her rule and support within the realm? Or will she break with tradition and marry for love. And if so, who will be her true love? With her ex-love engaged to another her heart lies in pieces. Can she open it again to another. And what of her powers? Will she finally be able to hone to use on command or will the goddesses only grant them to her when they deem appropriate?
There are so many questions to be answered. I hope you’ll follow along this writing journey with me. I’ve started a Spotify playlist and Pinterest board for the project. So hop over and follow along.
If you haven’t started the series, find Titania Rises, To be a Fae Queen, and To be a Fae Guardian by clicking the titles.
If you’re not familiar with NaNoWriMo it is short for National Novel Writing Month which is officially in November. But the NaNoWriMo organization expanded it with camps in April and July to inspire writers. NaNoWriMo is an organization that promotes writing and literacy. You can find out more and donate on their website here.
Happy reading & happy listening!
Tricia believes in finding magic. She thinks magic infuses every aspect of our lives, whether it is the magic of falling in love, discovering a new passion, a beautiful sunset, or a book that transports us to another world. An avid runner and Georgia native, Tricia now lives with her family and four-legged friends in Colorado. Find all her titles from contemporary romance and fantasy, to dystopian fiction at www.triciacopeland.com.