Troy Masterson from the Lovelock Series – Character Interview 2070

Q: You are Troy Masterson, eighteen year-old soldier in Lovelock Ones, the Bred One, and now the 2nd book, Torch. Where did you grow up? What was your childhood like?
A: Yes, that’s me. I grew up on almost every Naval base in the United North States. Granted, there are only six now. I was born in New York, then we moved to Maine, Novia Scotia, Fairbanks, and finally Port Orford. My dad is now an Admiral at the Port Orford UNS Naval Base. Besides moving around, I had the perfect childhood. Being a Navy brat isn’t bad because all of your other friends are Navy brats too. I got lucky when my dad was promoted to Admiral because it meant we didn’t have to move anymore. I’d been at Port Orford since before my Freshman year so got to make lots of good friends and really established myself on my sports teams.
Q; Why do they call you the Bred One?
A: They call me the Bred One because I came from a military program where they engineered embryos to grow into superior humans. I have higher muscle mass, better stamina, can see and hear better than normal humans. I also am immune to every disease know to man, so far that is.
Q: Did being a bred human being cause problems for you?
A: It didn’t until the 2nd flu wave. I actually hadn’t been told I was bred. My parents kept it from me, only told me right before they put me on a transport to escape to the desert with a group of families from our base. When we got to our destination, I tried to keep it a secret, but they tested all of us. It was a good and bad thing. Good because it was something from my genetic code that allowed them to pair with an immune gene in my friend Jema to design a vaccine and cure for the flu sweeping the world.
Q: How was it bad that you were bred?
A: I was one of a kind so that makes me valuable. Since they realized that, I’ve been used for leverage in a coup attempt and posted on a most wanted list.
Q: So what’s next for you?
A: It’s not what’s next for me, it’s what next for us, Jema and me. You see we’re both wanted, Jema because she is the Native One, naturally immune, and me, because I am the Bred One. Her Uncle has the formula for the vaccine and cure and took over the UNS government. He’s vaccinated the UNS citizens but isn’t sharing the formula with the rest of the world. Now they’re threatening to start a nuclear war. We’re not going to let that happen.

Find out what happens in Torch, out 4/28/2020!
Happy reading!