DIY Decorating Projects Using Books and Book Pages

I love winter projects. Winter, at least in Colorado and I’m getting for most parts of the northern hemisphere, means more indoor time. What better way to spend it than creating objects to decorate your home from and about things you love, BOOKS! Today I’ve collected some sites to help you do just that!
30+ book craft ideas including this book planter.
Book wall hangings, page pendants, wreath and more using old and used books and book pages here.
Perfect for Valentine’s Day 50+ Paper-Made DIY Designs
From… Paper is also a good DIY material and is also the most commonly used. The flowers are beautiful, beautiful and long-lasting.
Roses, daisies, file cabinet covers, chandeliers – 13 things to make with book pages here
Balls, bowls, lanterns, word or quote votives – 54 DIY book page projects here
Bookmarks, garland, strings of feathers… book page crafts from Rustic Crafts here
Looking for other DIY winter craft and project ideas like valentines day cards, snow globes, & more? Go to
Have fun crafts or DIY projects you’ve created? Tell us about them in the comments below.