Top Books by Women Authors
In order to choose the top books by women authors I would have to read a lot of books. And because books are so subjective, I would not even dare to choose top books. So I will not even attempt to create this list. Instead, I’ve compiled a list of links to sites that are better experts than I about the top books by women authors for you.
Reader’s Digest experts created a list of the top 15 books by women authors women should read. These books were chose by four of their experts and includes titles in many genres with explanations of why the books were picked. Find their list here.
ET created a list of 24 books by women authors to read for Women’s History Month. The titles are arranged by genres including memoirs, non-fiction works, and fiction books. Find their list here.
Electric Lit complied a list of 75 book by women of color that are must reads for 2024. They’re arranged by month of release so you can add them to your TBR and set reminders when they’re released. Find the blog post here.
Book Authority.Org created a list of 20 best women’s biographies coming out in 2024. These include medical professionals, women in sports, Kamala Harris, biographies of bad ass bitches, women adventurers, and contemporary as well as historical figures. You can find the blog post here.
The Greatest Books organization compiled a list of top 100 books by women authors. Many classics as well as contemporary tiles are on the list. Find the blog post here.
Good Housekeeping also compiled a list of top 100 books by women authors. There were a couple of titles I didn’t recognize, so this site is worth browsing. Find it here.
Penguin books polled female readers to create their list of must read books by women authors. This list also contains titles that are new to me, so I was excited to add a few to my TBR. Find the post here.
If you’re a classics fan then you’ll love Book Riot’s top 100 classics by women authors. I found several interesting new reads to check out from this list. Find all their titles here.
I hope you’ll find some great books by women authors to add to your TBR list this Women’s History Month!
Happy reading!
Tricia Copeland/Maria Jane
Fantasy and romance author Tricia Copeland/Maria Jane believes in the magic of love. She sees that love may look messy and take a winding path, but there is magic in the journey. Her books are filled with fun moments, sweet gestures, surprising turns, and characters searching for their happily-ever-after. Writing romance, as well as fantasy and dystopian titles, under Tricia Copeland, Maria Jane honors Tricia’s late sister and grandmother, two women who believed in loving big.
Craving your next HEA read? Find all of Maria’s Perfect romances and dive into a fun love story today at mariajaneromance.com or discover all of Tricia’s titles on triciacopeland.com.
I am a male VIet Nam veteran. I spent several days in an army hospital waiting for transport to JAPAN. “The Women” by Kristin Hannah seemed completely authentic from my experience. And it’s history since over 50 years ago (I was in the hospital in 1967). And I can report to you that there were no ‘SAFE’ places in Viet Nam.
My wife liked “Lessons in Chemistry” by Bonnie Garmus! I could not put the book down once I started it. But it tells how women overcome the obstacles to their success.
I have heard many good things about “The Women” by Kristin Hannah. Also was recommended her “The Magic Hour”. Also “The Bandit Queens” by Parini Shroff.