Fae Fantasy Book Spotlight
Ahead of my new fae fantasy book release, I’m hosting a fae fantasy book spotlight for each of the books in the Realm Chronicles series. This week is the kick off with a spotlight on the young adult fae fantasy, To be a Fae Queen, and the Realm Chronicles world and characters.
To be a Fae Queen is the first book in the fae fantasy series, the Realm Chronicles. Set in Middle Earth, To be a Fae Queen follows the story of a young fae princess on the brink of becoming ruler of her kingdom. At fifteen, and unmarried, she’ll be the first female monarch in her realm. Not only is she questioned by other rulers, but by those in her castle, some of which have been considered friends. One threatens her rule and she must decide if fighting for her legacy is the right thing to do. But she cannot ignore the inner conviction that she is the one who can safeguard her fae. Can she best a male twice her size and years her elder in tests of skill, wisdom, and strength to earn the right to rule her kingdom? You can find out in To be a Fae Queen, a young adult fae fantasy book.
Realm Chronicles Fae Fantasy Book Spotlight World Building

The fae from the Realm Chronicles have been created as protectors of the humans living in Upper Earth, the earth we, as humans, know and live in. The fae inhabit Middle Earth that mirrors our land forms. Below Middle Earth lies Lower Earth, the place where Sheol, or purgatory, resides. The fae need a way to enter Upper Earth, as well as Lower Earth, to fulfill their mission of protecting the humans. They enter the Upper and Lower Earth realms through Faeries Rings that are powered by twelve crystals.
A fae judge controls each ring and can close the ring blocking passage through the ring by removing the crystals. Fae can enter Upper Earth but there are limits to how long they can stay in Upper Earth. If they stay in Upper Earth for more than a day, or eat in Upper Earth, then they will lose their ability to return to Middle Earth, as well as their wings.
The fae rely on the rings for sun and rain from Upper Earth. Without the sun and rain from Upper Earth, the Fae Realm would be dark and desolate without the ability to grow plants or get water. So the fae rely on the rings for their livelihood as well as passage to other realms.
Titania and her family reside in the Kingdom of Aubren which lies on the eastern half of the continent we call Australia. Capitolshire is the capital of Aubren. There are two rings in Aubren, the Daintree Ring and the Nariel Ring. There are eight other kingdoms in the Fae Realm. Each of the kingdoms is ruled by a monarch. Rule has passed from a father to the first born son in all of fae history.

Realm Chronicles Fae Fantasy Book Spotlight Characters
The fae live simple lives. Ignoring the technological advances of the Human Realm in Upper Earth, they farm and build their own houses. They may serve as carpenters, seamstresses, farmers, soldiers, blacksmiths, or other jobs that contribute to their societies. The fae use metal, wood, and stone to build tools, structures, carts, and carriages. They domesticate animals to use for work and food. They hunt and farm for their food as well. They do not have electricity, computer, or phones in their realm.
As a society, they generally do not lie, cheat, or steal, living by a code of honor and truth. Unlike fae of other stories, they can tell lies, but rarely do. The fae of the Realm Chronicles have wings and normal strength and senses while in the Fae Realm. When they enter Upper Earth, due to decreased gravitational pull on their bodies, their senses and strength is heightened and are much like vampires. In Upper Earth the fae may also alter their form, appearing as any creature they like so as to hide their identity.
Most fae do not have magical abilities but we learn as the series progresses that some fae do. The judges, who guard and control the faerie rings, possess abilities that run in their families and keep the secrets of how to close and open the rings using the crystals. These judges also serve as judges and vote in a Realm High Council when there are issues that affect the whole realm.
Fae are forbidden to enter Upper Earth without approval from a judge. But the fae love to watch humans through the faerie rings, which are scattered throughout the kingdoms. Because it has been assumed that creatures like vampires and werewolves were spawned by the devil, it is forbidden to interact with these creatures.
The main characters in the Realm Chronicles include the protagonist, Titania, her friend Foster, Prince Holden, King Oberon, Titania’s father, Queen Grace, Titania’s mother, Alfreda, Titania’s handmaid, and her cousin, Quinn. Additional characters begin to play other roles as the stories progress as well. Titania and her fae, forge relationships with the characters of the Kingdom Journals, a crossover series to the Realm Chronicles. The Kingdom Journals is set in Upper Earth in modern times and features witches of a trinity who must break a curse on the witch lines.

To be a Fae Queen Fae Fantasy Book Spotlight
To be a Fae Queen began as a short story submitted to an anthology with the theme of fantasy characters with mental illnesses. At fifteen, Titania has struggled with anxiety attacks since the death of her four brothers at age twelve. These brothers were killed in a battle with the kobold, a race of half goblin, half dragon beasts that live in Lower Earth beneath the fae realm. The short story that began the Realm Chronicles series, entitled Titania Rises, is available free to readers with a newsletter signup. You can click here to download Titania Rises.
More from To be a Fae Queen Fae Fantasy Book Spotlight
From the back cover…
The last of her line, a faerie princess prepares to take the throne. But multiple forces plot against her, some trusted friends…
After losing her brothers Titania trained and studied to rule Aubren. But she hadn’t planned on becoming Queen at fifteen. Now with her reign challenged from within the castle walls she must decide what is best for her country. Should another rule in her stead? Or has fate led her to this moment?
Only she can decide a path that becomes littered with choices. Should she marry to shore up her reign? Will naming a successor be enough? And what of the creatures of the deep and a tale of one who can end all evil? Faced with a decision of aiding beings of Upper Earth she must weigh whether to follow her gut or side with tradition.
Can Titania trust that her inner power will be enough to stop the looming evil? Or is she damning them all to a life of darkness?
To Be a Fae Queen is a magical journey into the realm of Middle Earth. If you like fearless heroines you’ll love Tricia Copeland’s tantalizing fantasy.
Get To Be a Fae Queen to descend into a new world today! Click here to get To be a Fae Queen on Kindle, KU, or Audible.
To be a Fae Queen Fae Fantasy Book becomes an Audiobook
Originally produced by The Audio Flow, To be a Fae Queen is available in audiobook format narrated by Jillian Yetter, pictured below. Jillian is the perfect narrator to bring Titania’s character and world to live in audio format. A former high school English teacher, it is Jillian’s passion to help instill a love of reading and listening to books in young readers. Click here to listen to a sample of To be a Fae Queen in audiobook format.
To be a Fae Queen Fae Fantasy Book Cover Spotlight
The amazing cover for To be a Fae Queen and all the Realm Chronicles books was created by Eleanor Schmidt of Shower of Schmidt designs. Titania’s image started out as an image of an ice queen and Eleanor gave her red hair and wings. Eleanor also created the Audiobook cover shown above.

To be a Fae Queen Fae Fantasy Book Author Spotlight
Tricia Copeland, author and creator of the Realm Chronicles books, characters, and world, believes in magic. She believes that magic surrounds us and we each are magical beings. She aims to create characters that show what can be accomplished when they wield their own magic. Tricia created this coming of age fae princess, Titania, to highlight how one person can forge changes in society, even if they have what can be perceived as handicaps or challenges.
Tricia’s editor is Jo Michaels of Indie Books Gone Wild and her proofreader is Jennifer Oberth, also of Indie Books Gone Wild. Tricia has used Indie Books Gone Wild to edit, proofread, and format all of her publications.
Tricia Copeland believes in finding magic. She thinks magic infuses every aspect of our lives, whether it is the magic of falling in love, discovering a new passion, a beautiful sunset, or a book that transports us to another world. An avid runner and Georgia native, Tricia now lives with her family and four-legged friends in Colorado. Find all her titles from contemporary romance and fantasy, to dystopian fiction at www.triciacopeland.com.