Fantasy Author Kim Alexander
Fantasy author Kim Alexander is a new author to me and I can’t wait to dive into her fantasy books! She had me with the cover! And spoiler, there are fae! Fantasy books are my favorite genre and I can’t wait to dive into her fantasy books. I love the blurb for her new release, it sounds like it has the perfect touch of humor!
About Author Kim Alexander

- How many books have you published?
- 8
- Why do you write?
- I’ve been writing all my life (my first short story was about a deer and her fawn—I think I was 6?) but I never thought I could do it full time until I got fired from my ‘real’ job.
- Why do you write in your specific genre?
- I write what I like to read. And I grew up on fantasy and science fiction. It’s the world I want to live in. I’d love to write historical fantasy, I even have a few thousand words in a MS, so maybe that’s next?
- What do you love most about writing and being an author?
- When the characters start talking to each other. They never talk to me, but the best scenes in my books tend to be the ones I’ve ‘overheard’. I don’t understand how it works, I’m just grateful it does. And of course when a reader contacts me or leaves a review that lets me know they get what I’m trying to do. Always let your favorite authors know how you feel! It means everything!
Author Kim Alexander’s Books

- Tell me about your book, A Poised Garden
A unicorn walks into a bar and…wait, what was I saying?
Look, between what I’m pretty sure is premature senility and wanting to barf all the time, I’m barely hanging in there. At this point, I need a break after solving xeno murders, fighting murderous fox shifters, and my best friend nearly murdering me for…reasons.
But do I get a break? No, I get an invitation to the court of the Unseelie fae, and it’s the kind of invitation you can’t refuse because it’s from the king who flip-flops between wanting to share a pizza with me and stabbing me.
The upside is that I can see my best friend Marly, the newly minted and slightly murderous Unseelie fae queen. The downside? Apparently, I have to prevent a civil war between powerful magical beings, and I don’t even get a can opener for self-defense.
Just like clockwork, I’m back to running from supernatural squids, double-dealing with triple-dealing fae who probably all want me dead, and getting tangled up with a beautiful, broken-hearted unicorn who makes me feel guilty, and I don’t know why.
After all, we’ve never met before…have we?
- Tell me about all your books
- I have two, an epic fantasy series called The Demon Door was first. It’s quite character driven, I’m not as much interested in battles as I am about the politics of the dining room, what people wear, what they believe, the way they use language and what they love and hate. It’s a huge series and I remain hugely proud of it. My current series is called New World Magic, it’s a PNR set in my hometown of D.C. It’s the story of Ruby the bartender who rescues March the unicorn shifter from a terrible fate, which sets off a chain of events that continues in Book 4, A Poisoned Garden. (The fae are involved, obviously.)
- (woo hoo, fae)
- Who is your favorite character in one of your books?
- They’re all my sweet perfect children (even the evil ones) but I have a special place in my heart for Rhuun, the MC of The Demon Door series. He’s biracial, suffers from anxiety and depression and self-medicates with alcohol. In other words, he’s a sad, usually drunk half-demon. But he has infinite capacity for love and is kind and clever and loves to read and he’s so brave, even if he can’t land a joke. (He’s also turbo-hot.)
- What inspired you to write?
- It never occurred to me not to!
- How do you write? Plot out or wing it?
- Hahahahahah <sob> I usually get about 20,000 words in and realize I have no idea who did what to whom, so I outline the second half of whatever I’m working on. My husband knows shit is getting real when the wall of post it notes goes up.
- Who are your favorite authors? What genres do you read?
- As I said, mostly fantasy and SF. This is a stunning golden age of women writing SF, so people like Arkady Martine and NK Jemisin are my heroes. I also was the total Anne Rice chick in high school, along with the usual suspects: Neil Gaiman, Clive Barker, China Mieville, Katherine Neville, Chris Beuhlman, Jasper Fforde (how much time do we have?)
- What do you want readers to experience or take away from your books?
- I like to reward careful readers with clues all through the books. So if there’s a gun in act I, you better believe it’ll go off by act III! Just about everything in my books has a payoff. I want readers to fall in love with my characters as much as I love them, so much that they think about them when the book is done. I want them to HAVE to know what happens next.
- Do you have/make writing goals.
- Being an indie means you’re in charge of everything, which is good and bad news! I set my own deadlines, and I’ve found about two books a year is right for me. My hat is off to those who do like a book a month, I cannot fathom working like that. Also my husband is currently subsidizing my writing, so I find guilt a great motivator.
- What else do you want readers to know about you? What questions do you want me to ask?
- Readers usually like to hear about the horses I own and what I compete with them in. I really don’t have anything super special about me besides my books and horses.
- Where can we find you? List all the places you’d like people to be able to find you online.
- Find all here books at https://kimalexanderonline.com/wp/
Kim Alexander grew up in the wilds of Long Island, NY and slowly drifted south until she reached Key West. After spending ten rum-soaked years as a DJ in the Keys, she moved to Washington DC, where she lives with two cats, an angry fish, and her extremely patient husband.
Kim was in her twenties when she finally read a book not prominently featuring spaceships and/or wizards. Turns out Jane Austen was pretty funny!
Her husband tells her she needs to write at least ten more books if she intends to retire to Thailand, so thank you for your patronage.
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Happy Reading!
Author Tricia Copeland believes in finding magic. She thinks magic infuses every aspect of our lives, whether it is the magic of falling in love, discovering a new passion, a beautiful sunset, or a book that transports us to another world. An avid runner and Georgia native, Tricia now lives with her family and four-legged friends in Colorado. Find all her titles from contemporary romance and fantasy, to dystopian fiction at www.triciacopeland.com.