Hannah-Louise Smith Spotlight
Today on the Finding the Magic Podcast spotlight we have the author Hannah-Louis Smith spotlight. Learn all about Hannah-Louise and her fantasy books!
Q: What genre do you write in?
Q: How many books have you published?
2 and working on a third
Q: Are you self-published or are you represented by a publishing company?
I’m self published on Amazon
Q: Why do you write?
Because it’s fun
Q: Why do you write in your specific genre?
I find fantasy easier to write because you use you imagination more and can create wonders
Q: Why did you start writing? Was there a specific experience that spurred you to write?
I always wanted to write but never found the time or the courage to. But I just went for it
Q: What do you love most about writing and being an author?
I love creating my books and making something from nothing. Plus people reading my books is a plus
Q: Tell me about your books and series.
Awakening and Darkness are the first two books in the Mythics and mortals trilogy, which is urban fantasy based on Ancient Greek mythology. The books center around the heroine Christina Jones as she navigates the mythic realm that she is a part of and fights the organisation that threatens her and the world.
Q: Who is your favorite character in one of your books.
Definitely Christina Jones. She has fire, is stubborn and loves her friends and family
Q: What inspired you to write?
I was inspired by the webtoon Lore olympus by Rachel Smythe, it’s brilliantly done
Q: Who are your favorite authors? What genres do you read?
I love fantasy and horror. I’m a fan of George.R.R.Martin, Christina Henry and Stephen King
Q: Do you have/make writing goals.
I try not to. It adds pressure and impacts the writing
Q: Are you a plotter or panster?
Plotter. I always plan everything
Q: What do you want readers to experience or take away from your books?
I want readers to just enjoy the book
Q: What else do you want readers to know about you?
I have loads of other plans for books in the works so keep an eye out for news on my author page
Bio…from Hannah-Louise
I love boos, tea and fantasy. I have a joint degree in English literature and history, am a huge nerd and have a Siberian husky called Logan , (yes named after my favourite X-man).
Find Hannah-Louise on Goodreads, Facebook, and Instagram.
Happy reading & listening (for you audiobook lovers),
Tricia Copeland
Tricia Copeland believes in finding magic. She thinks magic infuses every aspect of our lives, whether it is the magic of falling in love, discovering a new passion, a beautiful sunset, or a book that transports us to another world. An avid runner and Georgia native, Tricia now lives with her family and four-legged friends in Colorado. Find all her titles from contemporary romance and fantasy, to dystopian fiction at www.triciacopeland.com.