Perfect Always Romance Novel Spotlight

The Perfect Always Romance Book Story
After writing my dystopian fiction novel, I needed a fun, light project. And what came out of my brainstorming was the first novel in the Perfect Romance series, Perfect. Perfect follows the main character, Chloe, through different stages of her life and what could be her perfectly ever after in each stage.
The book was super fun to write because it showed alternate “perfect” endings for one girl’s life. It mirrored my believe that there could be many versions of our lives that would be right for us depending on many variables. Some readers interpreted the book to mean that her perfectly ever after was the last love interest of the story. But my intent was to let the reader decide who they thought would be Chloe’s perfect match.
Would this small-town girl marry her high school sweetheart, Adam? Or would she choose a more glamorous life with the up and coming pro material basketball player, Isaac? Would she follow her dream and move to Paris, meeting a handsome wine estate heir, Chase? Or would she fall for the accountant at work, Liam? Perhaps she could live happily ever after with Mason, a finance guru in New York City?
I had lots of awesome feedback about Perfect. It was so fun to talk to readers about who they would choose for Chloe’s perfectly ever after.
Here’s what Christina Benjamin, best-selling romance author said about Perfect. “A sweet take on what’s important when it comes to finding the perfect kind of love.”
To say the follow up to Perfect was daunting would be an understatement. I envisioned a complete novel for each short love story from Perfect. This project began with Perfect Always. I’m still debating whether it continues. But for now, I’ll share more about Perfect Always…. and bonus for you, it’s 99 cents on Amazon in the US and UK through 10/12/2021 or FREE with Kindle Unlimited.
The Perfect Always Romance Novel back cover
A girl aiming for a successful big city career. But what if her heart belongs to a small-town rancher?
Chloe dreams of leaving her tiny hometown behind and landing a job in an exhilarating metropolitan city. Toughing out her sophomore-level college business classes, she’s frustrated with the challenges of long-distance-dating her high school sweetheart, Adam. A chance encounter with Isaac, a hunky big-city-bred basketball player, leaves her confused and when Adam lays out a plan to move into his family’s ranch estate she worries her goals may be trampled underfoot.
Realizing following her passion means leaving Adam, she makes a clean break. Isaac waits in the wings and with Chloe’s growing affection for him, he wins her heart. But a school abroad program, San Francisco internship, and his drive for a professional basketball career complicate their relationship.
Can she find happiness in a big city with an on-the-rise basketball star or does her heart lie somewhere else?
Perfect Always is a standalone contemporary romance. If you like spark-filled moments and a dreamy love story, then you’ll be enchanted by Tricia Copeland’s addition to the Perfect romance series.
Get in line to throw your hat into the ring in the big city/small town debate!
The Perfect Always Romance Book Reviews
Noelle Brighton rated it 4* really liked it
Copeland is a talented writer and creates touching story lines that feature great characterization and feel-good vibes. I enjoy the way she weaves character growth throughout this novel as it progresses. If you’re a fan of clean romance and love a HEA, Tricia definitely delivers!
Stephanie Schmidt rated it 5* it was amazing
Perfect Always is an amazing HEA book. I loved it so much that I couldn’t put it down once I started. The Chloe, Adam and Isaac triangle is fun. Watching Chloe grow up so much was the highlight of the book. If you read Perfect then you need to read Perfect Always.
Lisa rated it 4* it was amazing
Chloe is a young college student from a small town where everyone knows everyone and nothing ever changes. She dreams of more. She wants to be in the city and to experience life outside a small town. She continues to date her high school sweetheart while away at school seeing each other when they can. However, when Adam (said sweetheart) starts planning out their lives together in this small town, Chloe retreats. She realizes that She and Adam have different goals in life. Adam’s plan is to take over his father’s ranch and stay. At school, Chloe meets Issac, the college basketball star destined for bigger and better things. They are thrown together when they have several classes together and study groups. As Issac continues his basketball career can they keep their relationship together. Will Adam ever Chloe out of his heart?
This is such a heartwarming coming of age story about young adults finding their way in life and love. They must learn what is important to them and their lives and live accordingly. The characters are very well written and have a depth to them. I love that we get a peek inside their mind a bit and learn what their hopes and fears are and then get to see how they live their life according to or in spite of these feelings. This book is a wonderful depiction of what college life is like and what it’s like to venture out into the world of adulthood.
I definitely recommend this book.
Ashlee rated it 5* it was amazing
I have received an advanced reader copy of this book by Tricia Copeland herself and let me tell you! Perfect Always is a very entertaining read. I was sucked in by the first chapter and could not put the book down! I really liked this book because I did not see the ending coming (which I am fairly good at predicting the endings of novels). It was surprising, different, and excellent! 100% recommend!
Faith rated it 5* it was amazing
Beautiful story for young adults trying to make their way in the real world as love is pertained to. This story is about taking chances in love and life with your goals. As we enter these characters’ minds, we realize what their doubts and fears are but this makes the perfect love triangle that we don’t know which man to choose for Chloe. Easy to love characters, romantic scenes and very entertaining. This book is a great read!
Ready to dive in and read Perfect Always? Download with the button below!
Happy Reading, Tricia