Sometimes evil lurks in the least expected places.

Poised to usher in a new era of unity for all fae, Queen Titania grasps for a path forward. With one ear to the human realm and one on her realm, she’s stretched to make progress in either.

How can she turn her back on the witches when they are so close to finding the key to ending Sonia’s reign of terror? But what of her fae and their need for continuity?

With both realms seemingly on a collision course with chaos, Titania must choose whether her people will be best served by aiding in the battle against Sonia or stabilizing warring forces in her homeland.

Further, she grapples with whether either quest can be attained. Ancient fae lore prophesied there would be One to end all evil. But when evil may rise from within any being, can it ever be truly destroyed?

To be a Fae is the fifth and final book of the Realm Chronicles series, chronicling a fae queen’s attempts to secure the realms of Middle and Upper Earth.

Pre-order here, releases July 29, 2025!

Need to start the series? Go to To be a Fae Queen.

Need to continue the series or read the crossover Kingdom Journals series? Discover how to experience both with the book guide.