YA Urban Fantasy Cover Reveal
If you follow my blog or have read my books you’ll know that fantasy, and especially YA urban fantasy, is my favorite genre to read. I’m always excited to find a new YA fantasy series to binge! Today I’m sharing L.L. Hunter’s YA urban fantasy release, Bane of Angels. Keep reading to learn more.
Title: Bane of Angels
Author: L.L. Hunter
Genre: YA Urban Fantasy/PNR
Cover Designer: KILA Designs
Publication Date: Sept. 30th, 2022
Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR

Ebony is now the fully fledged Goddess of the entire universe.
Something she’d never thought would happen.
She was told she was worthy of such a title, but Ebony is still suffering from imposter syndrome.
Travis is changing. Again.
Ever since the demon attack in the Realm of Ice, he has been different,
Distant, and his powers are morphing into something more dark and deadly.
Will the darkness completely overcome him?
Will Ebony’s love be able to bring him back into the light?
A war with the rebels is brewing, and this time they’re out for blood.
Will they be able to find the Nephilim’s weakness and exploit it?
Betrayal. Love. Rebellion. War.
In the final chapter of the bestselling Ebony Angel series,
Friendships will be tested. Lines will be drawn, and hearts will be broken.
Will the Nephilim make it out alive?
Book Links:
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3NjAsdp
Universal: https://books2read.com/u/3n55re
Series: https://amzn.to/361D0fF
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/61099638-bane-of-angels

L.L. Hunter is the bestselling author of over 50 published works, including The Nephilim Universe and The Summervale Series. She has studied and worked in a range of professions, including dog grooming, forensic science, and the dramatic arts, but has always known her true calling was to be an author.
When not working on her next novel, she can be found at home in Australia, reading somewhere comfortable with her fur babies, drinking wine, or watching true crime documentaries. Follow her on Facebook (facebook.com/llhunterbooks), Twitter @llhunterbooks, Instagram @llhunter and her website https://www.llhunterbooks.com
Author Links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/LL-Hunter/110104129132865
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LLHunterbooks
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1So75bF
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6559537.L_L_Hunter
Blog: http://llhunter.blogspot.com.au
Authorgraph: http://www.authorgraph.com/authors/LLHunterbooks
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/llhunter
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/l-l-hunter
Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/by8k0r
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/llhunter/
Happy reading, Tricia!
Tricia believes in finding magic. She thinks magic infuses every aspect of our lives, whether it is the magic of falling in love, discovering a new passion, a beautiful sunset, or a book that transports us to another world. An avid runner and Georgia native, Tricia now lives with her family and four-legged friends in Colorado. Find all her titles from contemporary romance and fantasy, to dystopian fiction at www.triciacopeland.com.