Grace – Seer, Oracle, Sorceress, Demigoddess?

Grace – Titania’s mother in To be a Fae Queen
Grace in To be a Fae Queen holds the role of Titania’s mother. Most who read the book may not even remember her name as it is only said once by her brother, King Herman of the Bedham, an island kingdom north of Aubren. Because the book is told through Titania’s perspective Grace is Mother in every other instance.
Grace does not speak. She’s been silent since her three sons were slain by evil kobold creatures when Titania was twelve. Still, Titania spends much of her time with Grace before ascending to the role of monarch, taking daily strolls in the woods. In the beginning of the story we know little of Grace, save for her silence and beautiful light hair and eyes.
As the story progresses we learn of Grace’s siblings who reside in Bedham. Her sisters have not visited since the funeral for Titania’s brothers. It seems a sad fate for a child of twelve to lose her siblings and communication with her mother all at one time, and then to be even further estranged from her extended family. Titania, in more than one instance, mentions her sadness and frustration with her mother’s state, as well as disappointment at the lack of her aunts’ involvement.
About a third of the way through the book we learn more about Grace and her powers. In Middle Earth, the Fae Realm, faeries, in general, do no exhibit powers. Only in Upper Earth, the human realm, do all faeries possess powers of speed, strength, mind reading, and longevity of life. Exceptions to this premise are the fae Judges and Ring Keepers who possess gifts of seeing the true thoughts and intentions of other fae.
Grace exhibits gifts even in the Fae Realm. This revelation comes as a surprise to Titania. At first she feels betrayed, but realizes how dangerous it could be for others to know of her mother’s gifts. Then we learn Titania may also possess abilities. So the question becomes, how is Grace blessed with magick? How is Titania? Are they a mixed race of fae, part fae, part goddess? Perhaps Grace is a demigoddess. Could they be descended from special angels as witches are? Maybe Grace is a type of sorceress?And what does this mean for Titania and her latent power?
Only time will tell for Titania and Grace. I’m excited to develop this story line in the next addition to the Realm Chronicles.
Have you read To be a Fae Queen? What do you think of Grace’s magickal ability? Has it hurt Titania more than it’s helped? Share in the comments.
If you’d like to read more about Grace and Titania, their special abilities in the Fae Realm, and discover how Titania fairs as the first female ruler of the fae, find To be a Fae Queen on Amazon or learn more about it on the webpage with this link.
Until next time, happy reading! Tricia