The Roadie New Release by Jenna Galicki

Title: The Roadie
Author: Jenna Galicki
Genre: Adult Contemporary Rock Star Romance
Publication Date: August 19, 2020 Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR
This isn’t an angsty, tear-your-heart-out, ugly-cry romance. This is a love story.
Kira Abelman forgot what it was like to have fun. She spent her teens at the front of the stage cheering for Immortal Angel at every show. Her life had been filled with excitement and adrenaline. Now, as A&R rep for her father’s record company, she’s overworked, overtired and spread thin.
A fleeting encounter with a sexy, bearded and tattooed roadie lights up her boring life with passion. But with 3,000 miles between them and careers that send them in different directions, can Kira finally get her happily ever after and prove that fairy tales do come true?
Book Links:
The Prince of Punk Rock (Book 1)
Between A Rock and A Hard Place (Book 2)
Punk Rock Resurrection (Book 3)
Rock Star Redemption (Book 4)
Punk Rock-A-Bye Baby (Book 5)
The Stage (Book 6)
The Roadie (Book 7)
Author Bio:
Jenna Galicki writes in multiple genres including mmf, mf, and mm. She loves music, Rottweilers, and meeting new people. A native New Yorker, she now calls Southern California home. When she’s not hunched over a computer, you can find her front row at a rock concert.
Author Links:
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Minutes later, Kira stood on the curb staring into the eyes of a man she’d met 48 hours ago. Never had someone had such a profound effect on her before or changed her life in such a short time. She found the fun and carefree girl she used to be, without knowing she’d lost her. She’d let her career consume her time and become her main priority, but not anymore. Brett showed her how to enjoy life again, and she was going to take advantage of it. “Thank you for the most remarkable few days I’ve ever had. You’re an amazing man.”
“You’re an amazing woman.” He suddenly wrinkled his brow and frowned. “Why does this sound like goodbye?”
“It is goodbye, Brett. We live on opposite sides of the country. You’re off touring with bands. I’m in New York buried up to my eyeballs in work.”
“I thought we’d keep in touch.”
“I want to,” she said, weakly. “But . . .” She didn’t need to tell him what would happen. They’d exchange a few phone calls. Time between calls would lengthen until they were just a memory. Maybe they’d get to see each other once or twice before time and distance pulled them apart. She refused to be just a quick roll in the sheets whenever they happened to be in the same city at the same time. She wanted a relationship. Companionship. The long-distance thing never worked, and she wasn’t going to put her heart through the wringer. It was better to have a clean break now.
She stared into his expressive brown eyes, and her heart hurt. He looked so sad. His hard and confident gaze turned soft and pleading, and she couldn’t hurt him with the truth. She cupped his face in her hands, purposely running the tips of her fingers through the grain of his beard. She rubbed her cheek against it so she wouldn’t forget what it felt like. It was a soft, bristly feeling that she would reminisce about for a long time to come.
“Call me when you get to New York,” he whispered in her ear.
She nodded. “I will.”
With his hands pressed against the small of her back, he brushed his lips against hers in a soft kiss filled with passion. His probing tongue pushed deeper and bathed her mouth with a last kiss. She savored it, memorized every swirl of his tongue, the way his arms felt around her, and the way his chest pressed against hers. She moaned at the way his facial hair tickled her cheek as he rotated his mouth in a slow circle.
She swore she wouldn’t cry, but she had no control over the tears that swelled on her lower lids. “I’m gonna miss you.”
“This isn’t goodbye.” His voice was shaky with emotion and barely audible as he repeated, “This isn’t goodbye.”