Fantasy Author Casey L. Bond
I’ve known fantasy author Casey L. Bond for at least six years and I’m excited to hear all of her updates. Fantasy books are my favorite genre and I’ve enjoyed especially Casey’s House of Eclipses series. It is a mythology-like series with a twist of fantasy much like my latest release, Azreya, Aztec Priestess.
About Author Casey L. Bond

- How many books have you published?
- 30+ ish lol
- Why do you write?
- Because I have no other choice. I love it so much. It’s a passion. I can’t not write. LOL
- Why do you write in your specific genre?
- I think because there is so much newness and promise at the cusp of adulthood: first loves, first heartbreaks, first jobs, and then throw magic into the mix and unique worlds and cultures and religions and it’s so fun to build a world and story around a character I love having in my head.
- Why did you start writing? Was there a specific experience that spurred you to write?
- I blame Twilight and Stephenie Meyer.
- (yep, we’re twinning)
- What do you love most about writing and being an author?
- I love the creative process and get so excited to hear from people who love my stories.
Author Casey L. Bond’s Books

- Tell me about your books and series.
- I have many. I have witchy books in When Wishes Bleed, The Omen of Stones, Gravebriar, and With Shield and Ink and Bone. If you’re into Egyptian mythology, House of Eclipses and House of Wolves might be your jam. The duology I’m releasing next is about a people of the sky, and a people of the sea warring over the land. A great sky warrior falls in battle only to be rescued by the sea guardian she’s been hunting. It’s enemies-to-lovers and I can’t tell you enough how much I love this story.
- (yes, yes Casey, Egyptian mythology would be my jam!)
- Who is your favorite character in one of your books?
- That’s so tough. Sable is definitely a baddie, but I love Elira, too. And can I add Castor Gravebriar and Noor from Eclipses? LOLLL
- What inspired you to write?
- My mom! I always loved writing and she encouraged me to start when I told her how much I loved the Twilight books.
- How do you write? Plot out or wing it?
- I wing every second of it. Sometimes that’s a fun thing. Sometimes, I wish I could plot. My brain does not work that way. I’ve tried and failed many times.
- (wow, just wow)
- Who are your favorite authors? What genres do you read?
- Queen Sarah J. Maas, Holly Black, & Adrienne Young
- (definitely agree!)
- What do you want readers to experience or take away from your books?
- I want them to feel immersed in the world and like they’re in the character’s skin.
- (yes, yes, that’s what we want)
- Do you have/make writing goals.
- Not stringent ones. I buckle under too much pressure and thrive when I can write freely.
- (Interesting… I’m definitely opposite on that one.)
- What else do you want readers to know about you? What questions do you want me to ask?
- I’m a Taurus who loves long walks on the beach.
- Where can we find you? List all the places you’d like people to be able to find you online.
Website: www.authorcaseybond.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/authorcaseybond
Twitter: https://twitter.com/authorcaseybond
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7212486.Casey_L_Bond
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/caseyb007
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1PmE0pg
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/casey-l-bond
Bond-Tourage: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1032678336804562/
Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/gcAu9v
Casey Bond lives on a rural farm in West Virginia with her husband and their two beautiful daughters. She writes phoenixes – gloriously flawed and morally gray characters that fiercely rise from the ashes of their circumstances. World building is one of her favorite hobbies, along with stamping metal jewelry, swimming, and enjoying the beauty of nature. She thinks thunderstorms are better than coffee and that watching a meteor shower is the closest thing to magic you might ever see. She’s a firm believer that every amazing book needs a world you want to wrap yourself in, a character you want to win, and a love you would fight for.
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Happy Reading!
Author Tricia Copeland believes in finding magic. She thinks magic infuses every aspect of our lives, whether it is the magic of falling in love, discovering a new passion, a beautiful sunset, or a book that transports us to another world. An avid runner and Georgia native, Tricia now lives with her family and four-legged friends in Colorado. Find all her titles from contemporary romance and fantasy, to dystopian fiction at www.triciacopeland.com.